
Matt Meier

Posts by Matt Meier

Author Rob Neyer On Protective Gear For MLB Pitchers in New Book “Power Ball”

Former ESPN columnist and sabermetrics guru Rob Neyer takes a unique look into today’s game of baseball with his new book, “Power Ball: Anatomy of a Modern Baseball Game.” The chapters are divided into every half inning as he viewed a game between the Astros versus the Athletics on September 8th, 2017. Neyer dives into
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League Discounts From SST

It’s never too early to start planning for the upcoming season! SST is now pleased to offer league pricing that does not require hefty minimum quantities. Our minimum recommendation is that each team in your league be outfitted with a designated pitching hat with SST Head Guards installed. While we are unable to provide free
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ESPN: Cardinals minor leaguer Daniel Poncedeleon will go to spring workouts after scary hit to head

One change since his last, fateful game, Poncedeleon said, is that he’ll be wearing a hard carbon fiber cap insert to provide some head protection. He said that he and his father researched safety devices and focused on the contoured 1.7-ounce SST Pro Performance head guard that the Angels‘ Matt Shoemaker told OTL he started wearing after a Sept.
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ESPN: Handful of MLB pitchers using protective cap insert

The overwhelming majority of major league pitchers, presumably including Ray, wear no special head protection, just a standard, official-issue ball cap. But several St. Louis relievers are apparently wearing safety inserts in their caps to try to minimize potential head injuries if they’re struck by a liner. On Monday KSDK-TV cited the Cardinals’ Matt Bowman, Zach Duke and Trevor
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ESPN: D-backs LHP Robbie Ray wears insert in cap after line drive to head

Two starts, two wins, two runs allowed and 19 strikeouts in 11 2/3 innings. That’s what Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Robbie Ray has done since returning from the concussion he suffered July 28 on a line drive that struck him above the left ear. As far as the eye can see when Ray is on the mound, everything seems the same
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A Brief History of Head Protection in Baseball and What the Might Future Hold

Nearly 100 years ago, the science of head injuries was nearly nonexistent.  CTE had yet to be discovered and “traumatic brain injury” was not a mainstream phrase.  Hitters didn’t wear any helmets or head protection at the plate.  And pitchers… well, that would be silly wouldn’t it? In 1920 at the Polo Grounds, Ray Chapman
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John McGrath: Powers that be needs to put heads together to protect pitchers

“The sound of the ball off the skull of Los Angeles Angels pitcher Matt Shoemaker was a vivid thud that could be heard throughout Safeco Field. A second later, the ballpark went silent. For five minutes, there was no music on the loud speaker system, no noise blaring from the video board. The only voices
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How I Feel About Head Protection: A Player’s Perspective

I was four years old when I played my first baseball game.  Even at such a young age, I could feel a passion and fire for the game emerging inside me.  I wanted the game to be played the right way.  How ticked off I would get at my fellow tee-ballers when they would decide
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Pirates’ Jameson Taillon ‘doing well’ after line drive to back of head

Click to read the full story from ESPN >

Houston Astros’ Collin McHugh Explains Why He Uses SST On the Mound

“The reward that you get from wearing [SST head guards] could be life changing.”  

SST Baseball